Pure CBD Oil

Dosage Chart

Pure CBD Oil is made with only one cannabinoid, 99+% pure cannabidiol. Our CBD is extracted using the CO2 method. Although this is a more expensive extraction process, the results yield a safer and more desirable product. This method is industry standard as it does not use harmful chemical solvents to create the extract. We've kept our ingredient pure and simple, we use only pure organic MCT oil derived from coconuts to make our Pure CBD Oil products. 

MCT oil is the best carrier for CBD as the Medium Chain Triglycerides are smaller fat molecules that are absorbed by the body more efficiently.  In addition to the many potential benefits of CBD, MCT oil also has many potential health benefits as listed below:


  • Promotes weight loss
  • Instant source of energy
  • Reduces lactate buildup in athletes and help use fat for energy
  • Helps manage epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and autism
  • Contains fatty acids that fight yeast and bacterial growth
  • Reduces risk for heart disease
  • Helps control blood sugar levels

 How much should I take?

There are a few factors to consider here; the concentration of CBD oil, the weight of the individual, and the severity of the condition.  One factor remains in question, the individual’s body chemistry. Unfortunately there isn’t a “one size fits all” dosage, and there will be some trial and error while gauging your proper dosage. We've compiled a cross reference chart to help you determine the proper dosage. General rule of thumb is to start low and increase dosage slowly until you hit the sweet spot. The CBD concentration can change from product to product but our bottles have the mg/ml info on the nutrition facts label to help you calculate the right dosage. This dosage chart works for both pets and people. The chart is based on a dosage of 0.25mg - 0.50mg / lb of body weight and each dropper dispenses 1ml(25 drops) of CBD oil.

potency chartdosage chart